Международный редакционный совет /  International Editorial Council

Абылгазиев И. И., д. полит. н., проф. (Россия); 
     Igor Abylgaziyev (Russia),  is Doctor of Science, scientific director of the Faculty of Global Studies, Moscow State University.

Акаев А. А., д. физ.-мат. н., иностр. член РАН (Киргизия);
      Askar Akaev (Kyrgyzstan), Professor and Senior Researcher of Prigogine Institute for Mathematical  Investigations of Complex Systems at Moscow State University

Ань Цинянь, Ph.D., Prof. (Китай);
      An Qinian (China), Professor, Superviser of Ph.D. Candidate. Now he works as a professor in Department of Philosophy of the Renmin University of China and doctoral candidate's tutor

Ближковский П., Dr. Sc. (Бельгия);
      Petr Blizkovsky (Belgium), Director Agriculture (SCA) and Social policy @EUCouncil

Вебер А. Б., д. и. н., г. н. с. (Россия);
      Alexander Weber (Russia), Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher,Institute of Sociology of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology

Грачев В. А., д. т. н., чл.-корр. РАН (Москва);
      Vladimir Grachev (Russia), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, President of the non-governmental ecological Fund named after V. I. Vernadsky, President of the Russian Ecological

Гэй У., Ph.D., Prof. (США);
      William Gay (USA), is Professor of Philosophy at University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Данилов-Данильян В. И.  д. э. н., чл.-корр. РАН  (Россия);
      Viktor Danilov-Danilyan (Russia) is a Russian scientist, economist, ecologist, hydrologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Дафферн Т. Ph.D. (Великобритания);
      Thomas Clough Daffern (Great Britain) Director, International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy (IIPSGP)

Ильин И. В., д. полит. н., проф. (Россия); Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова (Москва)

Киш Э., PhD, Prof. (Венгрия) Доктор философских наук, член Комиссии по исследованию будущего Венгерской АН, профессор Западно-Венгерского университета (Шопрон –Сомбатхей) и Университета Этвоша Лорана (Будапешт)
      Endre Kiss (Hungary),Professor for history of philosophy at the University Eötvös (Budapest) and professor for German Literature. Kiss is founder of the Center for Postmodernism (Budapest-Székesfehérvár).

Коротаев А. В., д.и.н., профессор, директор Центра антропологии Востока Российского государственного гуманитарного университета, ведущий научный сотрудник Центра цивилизационных и региональных исследований и Института востоковедения РАН (Россия)
       Andrey Korotayev (Russia), Head and Professor of the Laboratory for Monitoring of Sociopolitical Destabilization Risks, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, as well as a Senior Research Professor at the Institute for African Studies and the Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences

Кучуради И., Ph.D., Prof.  (Турция);
      Ioanna Kucuradi (Turkey), is currently the president of Philosophical Society of Turkey and a full-time academic of Maltepe University

Лисеев И. К., д. ф. н., проф. (Россия);
      Igor Liseyev (Russia), Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Мазур И. И., д. т. н., проф. (Россия);
      Ivan Masour (Russia), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician. Director of corporation Intellectual Systems”.

Сабден О. С., д. э. н. (Казахстан);
      Orazaly Sabden (Kazakhstan), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Сергеев М. Ю., Ph. D., Prof. (США);
      Mikhail Sergeyev (USA), Ph.D. in philosophy of religion (1997, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA); a Russian-American historian of religion, philosopher, writer. Main topics of research: Bahá’í Philosophy, Russian thought, religion and the arts.

Теймури В., Ph.D, Prof. (Иран);
      Wali Teymouri (Iran) is the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts of Iran. He has completed his PhD in economic geography with a focus on tourism. In addition to educational and research activities, he has extensive activities in various government departments.
