Tymowski, Michał

Фамилия:  Tymowski
Имя:  Michał

Michał Tymowski is Titular Professor of History at Warsaw University in Poland. His main fields of interests are medieval history, political anthropology, precolonial African states, and economic history of West Africa. He presented a Doctoral thesis in 1971, and a habilitation in 1981 at Warsaw University. From 1989 to 1993 professeur associé at Université Paris IV-Sorbonne. From 2002 director of the Institute of History of Warsaw University. Among his publications are: Les domaines des princes du Songhay, Annales ESC 2–5 (1971): 1637–1658; The Evolution of Primitive Political Organization from Extended Family to Early State, in: H. J. M. Claessen, P. van de Velde, and M. E. Smith (eds.), Development and Decline: The Evolution of Sociopolitical Organization, Massachusetts: Bergin and Garvey, 1985; L'Armée et la formation des États en Afrique occidentale au XIXe siècle – essai de comparaison, Varsovie: Éditions de l’Université de Varso-vie, 1987; The Use of Term ‘Empire’ in Historical Research on Africa: a Com-parative Approach, Afrika Zamani: A Journal of African History 11–12 (2003/4 [2006]): 18–26. He can be contacted at: sekretariat.ih@uw.edu.pl

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