Contents and abstracts

Журнал: Философия и общество. Выпуск №2(74)/2014 - подписаться на статьи журнала

Contents and abstracts


Mikhail M. Prokhorov. Philosophical Foundations of Economics and Economism (рр. 5–18).

This paper analyzes the philosophical foundations of the economy, a phenomenon of economism has been identifimechanicalism, their inadequacy to being and its development, philosophical worldview is carrieded, its impact on the economy, society and its sphere has been disclosed. A comparative analysis of economism and out. Mechanicalism is substitution of philosophical ontology by natural-scientific views (in the spirit of positivism), economism substitutes social ontology for the concepts of humanities. Their overcoming is based on disclosure the evolution of science, a change of its objective content (classical, nonclassical and postnonclassical science).

Keywords: society, economism, mechanicalism, philosophy, science, sphere, part, whole, development, evolution.

Tatiana V. Panfilova. The Values of the Globalized World: Common to all Humans or Dehumanized? (рр. 19–32).

The main theme of the article is the notion of the universal human values, their con­nection with the ideology of liberalism and their transformation into the values of globalization.

Keywords: universal human values, the ideology of liberalism, the end of history, false alternatives, human rights and liberties.

Yuri G. Markov. On the Way to the Spiritual and Moral Civilization (рр. 33–49).

In this article it is shown, that the formation of spiritual and moral civilization depends on the forms of ownership used by the community. Close relationship of the individual and society, which has existed neither under capitalism nor under socialism, is very important. Modern Russia significantly weakens in social and humanitarian spheres. The conclusion of the article is that the spiritual and moral society implies the harmony of a man and society within the self-governing (cooperative) systems.

Keywords: dukhobors, spiritual and moral relations, property, collectivism.

Rafael A. Burkhanov, Konstantin N. Lyubutin. Dialectic Logic and Methodology of G. W. F. Hegel's “Science of Logic” and K. Marx's “Six-Book Plan”: Genius Foresights of a Global Society (рр. 50–65).

The article considers identity and differences of dialectical content of Hegel's “Science of Logic” and Marx's ‘six-book plan’. For understanding classical capitalism and the process of formation of a global society, the methodological significance of these works is analyzed.

Keywords: logic, methodology, being, matter, phenomenon, reality, notion, idea, goods, money, capital, substance, mode of production.

Tair M. Makhamatov. The Dialectics of the Categories of Being, Ideal and Material (рр. 66–77).

The author observes the logic of history of transition from the category of being to the category of matter which causes emergence of a number of ontological categories that reflect the development of philosophical cognition of reality and mediate the transitions of the categories under study. He supposes that the movement of thought from the category of being to the category of matter should be considered as the transition from the abstract to the concrete.

Keywords: being, matter, substance, ideal, objective reality, subjective reality, the transition from the abstract to the concrete.

Tatiana N. Semyonova. About the Forms of Transition of State Power in the Modern Globalized World (рр. 78–91).

This article considers the recent forms of changing the state power. The main focus is on coup d'etats which are called the “color revolutions”.

Keywords: power, state power, ruling establishment, political regimes, legitimate change of power, coup d'etat, the forms of coup d'etats, “color revolutions”.

Sergey G. Piletski. On Revenge, Honor and Dishonor (рр. 92–106).

The article is devoted to researching the eternal problem – the place and the significance of revenge and retribution. The author tries to prove that not only these concepts are interrelated, not only the development of human society moved towards ordering, institutionalization and evolution of vendetta into the civilized retribution, but that this evolution is the evolution of dishonor.

Keywords: revenge, retribution, human society, social evolution, impunity, dishonor.

Tatiana I. Volkova. Anthropological Catastrophe and Problems of Human Being in the Epoch of Globalization (рр. 107–125).

The article discusses issues related to the search for the source, analysis, decision and the consequences of the global problems of the modern postindustrial society. The leitmotiv of the work is the idea that the main cause of global challenges is global­ization of economic, political and sociocultural processes, and as a consequence – the anthropological catastrophe, the destruction of the “human” in man.

Keywords: man, humanity, postindustrial society, globalization, antiglobalization, global issues, anthropological catastrophe, the Club of Rome, the ideology of consumerism.

Alena Yu. Apaeva. The Ring of Silence of Distinction as a Language Event of Martin Heidegger (рр. 126–134).

This article is devoted to M. Heidegger's hermeneutic interpretations of the poetic nature of language. In order to understand the language Heidegger proposes to enter the space of its extending call, as the language's call creates a special space of art, where, things that are called get together without breaking from their positions in the world. Bringing closer the things to the place of man's staying in the call, the language gathers the world itself, which exists in these things. The language comes true as a sound of silence of the difference between the world and the things. Heidegger draws a topological picture of the world. Poetry is a drawing formed as a result of the interactions of the world differences.

Keywords: language, poetry, ring, silence, space of art, quaternion.

Olesya V. Stroyeva. The Models of Production of Modern Culture: Bricolage and Deconstruction. Rock Painting of Megalopolises (рр. 135–141).

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of “bricolage” as one of the production models of contemporary culture. It is obviously connected with the characteristics of neo-mythological type of consciousness generated by media sphere today. The author analyzes the street-art movement as an example of “bricolage” structure.

Keywords: bricolage, postmodernism, contemporary culture, media sphere, street-art, neo-mythological type of consciousness.

Ilya M. Slobodchikov, Vyacheslav V. Teresсhenko. The Specificity of Formation of the Professional Self-Cоnsciousness of the Students of the Stage Director's Department (рр. 142–147).

The author considers the notion of “the professional self-cоnsciousness” with regard to the profession of the stage director. The article concerns the problems and the stages of forming of both the professional and the personal self-consciousness of the students of the stage director's specialization.

Keywords: professional self-consciousness, the model of formation of the self-cоn-sciousness, professional identity, self-concept, professional (creative) self-conscious-ness.

Philosophical Portrait

Ivan A. Gobozov. R. Aron – The Prominent French Thinker of the Twentieth Century (рр. 148–162).

The article is devoted to the outstanding French philosopher of the twentieth century. It presents some biographical information on Aron and different theoretical problems.

Keywords: Aron, neo-Kantianism, philosophy of history, positivism, knowledge, understanding, interpretation, history.

Philosophical Research

Petr N. Kondrashov, Andrey A. Koryakovtsev. The Academical Philosophical Researches in the Urals: The Review of the Key Directions for the Quarter of the Century (1988–2012) (рр. 163–179).


S. M. Khalin. Interesting Manual: Philosophy in Professional Activity / Ed. by A. N. Chumakov. Moscow, 2013 (рр. 180–187).

Contents and abstracts (рp. 188–190)