Contents and abstracts

Журнал: Философия и общество. Выпуск №4(72)/2013 - подписаться на статьи журнала


Vladimir I. Metlov. Some Aspects of Hegel's Phenomenology in Comparison with the Modern Phenomenological Movements (рр. 5–24).

The paper represents comparative analysis of two kinds of phenomenology – those of Hegel and Husserl – and how they solve some common fundamental problems of great actuality in our days. Comparison of their solutions within these phenomenologies allow us to see the advantage of the Hegel's dialectic over Husserl's transcendentalism.

Keywords: phenomenology, historicism, thing, scientism, transcendentalism, dialectics.

Nikolay S. Rozov. The Philosophical Foundations of Historical Evaluations and the Problem of a Unified Textbook of National History (рр. 25–44).

Discussion of “a single textbook” of Russian history covers such philosophical issues as the relations between scientific objectivity, historical evaluations of events and acts in the past, selection and integration of macrosociological paradigms in the context of Russia's history and the goals of patriotic, civic education of future generations. The paper offers social-philosophical background to answer these questions, and relevant principles of teaching history.

Keywords: philosophy of history, teaching history, historical evaluations, the meaning of history, historical cycles, modernization.

Vasiliy V. Markhinin. The Issue of the Peculiarity of Social and Human Studies in Classical Marxism (рр. 45–61).

The author interprets K. Marx and F. Engels' understanding of the problem of social and humanitarian scientific cognition. In this context, the questions are raised about how the classical authors of Marxism treat the relationship between science and philosophy; more particularly – about the tendency and limitations in regard to the merging of natural, social and humanitarian sciences into a unique science. The article shows that the central role in the formation of the natural sciences' specificity, according to the classical Marxist authors, belongs to interpenetration of properly scientific and philosophical cognition forms of these sciences, which is subordinated to the norms of scientific approach. This interpenetration is implemented, first of all, in a specific (for the social and humanitarian sciences) cognition method: the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, which is a scientific modification of philosophical dialectical method.

Keywords: social and humanitarian sciences, philosophy, dialectics, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, historical practice.

yuri V. Oleinikov, Tatyana V. Borzova. The Philosophical Understanding of the Global Problem of Interaction between Society and Nature (рр. 62–79).

The article deals with the role and methodological function of philosophy in understanding the essence and content of the global processes of interaction between society and nature. Perspectives and directions of further research of anthropogenic evolution of socio-natural universe are formulated.

Keywords: philosophy, society, nature, crisis, ecology, ecosystem, Universum, ideology, globalism, technological revolution.

Ivan A. Bokachev, Irina I. Neznamova. The Spatial and Temporal Constants of Measurement of Homo Sapiens Aggression (рр. 80–99).

The spatiotemporal constants of measuring the human aggression in terms of social philosophy are presented in the article. The authors consider the spatiotemporal continuum as a substantial principle, a condition that raises the philosophical knowledge to the level of conceptual and methodological system.

Keywords: man, aggression, violence, cruelty, space, time, consciousness, culture, spirituality.

Pavel L. Karabuschenko. The Standard Model of the Elite's Genesis: DNA of the Elite, the Maximum Concentration Limit of the Elite and the Elitization Efficiency (рр. 100–113).

We often assess the elites at their form ( status, which has mainly formal grounds), rather than at their content (internal quality indicating its dignity). To form an adequate and objective view of the elite in reality we should explore the nature of its genesis. Without such an objective analysis our view of the elite will be seized between the myth and reality. To avoid these faulty judgments we need a standard model of the elite's genesis to make a more correct quality assessment of any elite group and its subjects.

Keywords: the study of elites, the elite, elitism, genesis of the elite, creativity, standard, the elite's codes, individual, quality, status, dignity, responsibility.

Ural S. Vildanov, Gyuzel B. Vildanova. Problems of the Worldview in the Bashkir Epos “Ural-Batyr” (рр. 114–124).

The Bashkir epos “Ural Batyr” is characterized by aspiration to comprehension of the meaning of life and the universe fundamentals. Various philosophical problems are analyzed in the epos, such as wisdom, search of eternal life, the universe fundamentals, measures of good and evil, issues of honor and morality. The spiritual growth of Ural-batyr who has gained wisdom, is revealed in detail. Ural-batyr's path of wisdom is to be covered by everyone. However, each person follows its own path.

Keywords: wisdom, the meaning of life, death, benefit, sage.

Ekaterina V. Gainutdinova. Substantal-Activity Approach to the Study of Motivation Phenomenon (рр. 125–134).

The research objective is the social and philosophical analysis of “motivation” phenomenon within fundamental approaches existing in the social-humanitarian field of knowledge.

Keywords: motive, need, consumption, substantial-qualifying achievement.

Valentina S. Lapshina. Philosophy of Education: Forming a New Field of Knowledge (рр. 135–147).

The article is devoted to the process of institutionalization of educational philosophy which becomes an independent branch of scientific knowledge (with its own object, functions and methodology). The importance of the philosophy of education in the modern society is discussed, its achievements are analyzed.

Keywords: philosophy of education, science of education, origin and history of educational philosophy.

Alexander A. Biryukov. Rosa Luxemburg’s Dialectics of “Capital Accumulation” (рр. 148–156).

The author of the article analyzes the main work of Rosa Luxemburg “Capital Accumulation”, expounds and comments the key points of the monograph. He argues that the theories of Rosa Luxemburg, often criticized by the Soviet researchers, are indeed urgent and worthy of special attention.

Keywords: Rosa Luxemburg, capital accumulation, surplus value, surplus commodities, demand, imperialism.

Conference review

Natalya M. Kishlakova, Tair M. Makhamatov. On the Problems of National Identity in the Age of Globalization (рр. 157–162).


Ivan Arshakovich Gobozov – 75 years (р. 163).

In memoriam

Vladimir Kh. Belenky (11.09.1932 – 04.12.2012) (рр. 164–165).

Yuri K. Pletnikov (05.06.1926 – 07. 09. 2013) (р. 166).

Contents and abstracts (рp. 167–169)