
Журнал: Век глобализации. Выпуск №1/2009 - подписаться на статьи журнала


Alexander B. Weber

Modern World and the Problem of Global Management Original text and References

The responsibility for managing global economic and social development as well as removing of threats to international peace and security must be shared among the world nations and exercised multilaterally

Abdusala A. Guseynov

Once Again on the Possibility of Global Ethos Original text and References

In the article the author analyzes contemporary issues of modern social development and also pays attention to the backgrounds of uniting of the mankind in the context of possible formation of global ethos emerging on the basis of universal cultural synthesis. Replying to the question of whether mankind is able to create a united ethos like separate nations and cultures did it earlier, and whether any features of the possible global united ethos exist in real life, we can find the affirmative answer. Global ethos is not a dream or imagination. It really exists in the modern experience of international, cross-cultural interactions and arises not instead of national forms of the human being, but above them.

World Crisis

Mikhail G. Delyagin

Fundamental Principles of Modernization Policy in the Context of Global Financial Crisis Original text and References

The depth of the world financial crisis is underestimated since the analysts considering short and medium-term tendencies, ignore its fundamental reasons. After the victory in the Cold War the developed countries rather selfishly reconfigured the world in the interests of global corporations having deprived over a half of mankind of the opportunities to normal existence. It caused not only global tension, terrorism and migration, but also limited the sales volume in the developed countries which at full speed ‘got’ into the overproduction crisis (aggravated by abuse of monopolistic position of global corporations).

Yadviga S. Yaskevich

Economic Crisis and Reconsideration of Values of the Modern World Order: Philosophical Reflection Original text and References

The author touches upon the philosophical and methodological reasons of the global crisis, mechanisms of institutional transformations of the modern society; he also reveals the status of moral values in the globalizing world and the essence of the anthropological turn in the modern science, economy, and politics. It is shown that global financial and economic crisis is the crisis of the system of spiritual values which in many respects try to fit the material ones. To overcome the complicated social and economic problems one needs a valuable and revolutionary reconsideration of the modern world order as well as to refuse the egoistic aspirations and the violence towards a man, nature, society and to reveal the role of free market and global financial structures.

Global and System Crisis and Models of the World Order (A Round Table) Original text and References

On March 25, 2009 in Moscow within the framework of the interdisciplinary seminar ‘Philosophical and Methodological Research of Global Studies’ a Round table took place on the subject ‘Ways Out of Global Crisis and Models of the New World Order’. The initiator of this Round Table became the Editorial board of the journal ‘Age of Globalization’.

Global Problems

Nikoly G. Privalov

About the Possible Catastrophe of the 2030s –2050s. Original text and References

The article investigates the increasing problems of the industrial civilization, namely: the depletion of mineral resources, environmental pollution, global warming, and spiritual exclusion. The projects of the industrial development of the Moon are considered from the point of the spiritual factor. The problem of formation of the new world view, new type of public consciousness becomes currently important in order to mitigate increasing contradictions and reduce the degree of harm from the system crisis of civilization predicted according to various social and economic and climate models during the 2030s –2050s.

Viktor A. Kolesnikov

From Understanding of Globalizing Reality to the New Approach to Education in the 21st Century Original text and References

The world economic crisis preceded by the most powerful structural shifts in economy of countries, regions, policy, and culture (which is continued in the new global trends including globalization of social space and increasing number of situations of global risk and uncertainty for human community) clearly and ambiguously proves the fact that at present the humankind is unable to adequately response to contemporary challenges and to those basic changes which happen in social reality. We face numerous civilization shocks as well as achievements which radically change our social and cultural life. Most people unconsciously or unthoughtfully find themselves involved in stunning accelerations they have never faced before, or they absolutely lose a sense of reality and failing to cope with life because of their fear of the future and of the changes which quickly rushed over them. Even now technocratization has overwhelmed all spheres of our life, significantly separating its sense from immediate achievements in science and technology, suppressing human ability to perceive the events and reflect over own actions. All of us more often start to live day from day under imposed accidental massive pressing statements that considerably reduce human ability to independent actions.

Globalization Processes

Anatoly A. Gorelov

Globalization as an Objective Trend of the Global Development Original text and References

In this article globalization is considered as an objective trend of social development which cannot be abolished by a wish, and it is necessary to take it into consideration, adapting to it and exploiting it. Globalization continues the general tendency of human social integration which began from human herd and proceeded in the unification into clans, then in tribes, races, nations, and in political terms into the polis-states, nation-states, and empires. During the era of scientific and technical revolution, the process of humankind integration pointed by sociologists transformed into a globalization trend which is the uniting of mankind into a global society, or as they say, into a supersociety, meaning a higher level of social integration, than achieved by the present moment. In the second and third sections of the article the author considers development of the globalization trend in the 20th century as well as the current spheres of globalization.

Yakov M. Berger

The Chinese Model of Globalization Original text and References

In December, 2008, the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society held a meeting with a famous Sinologue, the Chief Researcher of Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yakov M. Berger where he presented his report and answered questions.

Kyamalya A. Valieva

The Political Projection of Globalization in Europe Original text and References

The article is devoted to the analysis of the European version of globalization process. According to the author, within the European space the political manifestation of globalization is the realized project of the European Union as well as the process of multilevel integration proceeding in its framework which led to the transformation of traditional understanding of the state sovereignty. In modern Europe, the changing the role of nation-states as a result of globalization and strengthening of the supranational factor emerged particularly in two directions. First, the process of strengthening of supranational federalization within the EU is observed when its member-states actually ‘share’ some sovereignty with the EU supranational authorities. Second, the unfolding regionalization (which takes place simultaneously and due to the process of ‘washing out’ of the state sovereignty ‘from above’) the similar trend is observed within the EU proceeding already ‘from below’ on the part of the administrative and historically developed regions in the national member-states of the EU.

Russia in the Global World

Alexander V. Katsura

‘The World Tenderness’, or the Russian Way to Globalism (Ending) Original text and References

Russia has long ago recognized herself as a world actor. And for the first time, it was expressed by the Pskov monk Filofey. And never has she doubted her great mission: either during the period of tsars reigning, or during the time of leaders’ rule. Why did perestroika destroy the communist empire so quickly? There occurred a substitution of meanings; and the blow was not that strong, but it was struck at the only weak point, that is in the gap between the world mission and ordinary happiness. Thus, an ordinary passionarian got confused. He was twice at a loss when they whispered to it again (more than 60 years ago): ‘Get wealth!’

Georgy Yu. Sitnyansky

Russia is Responsible for Those Whom She Adopted. Russia’s Responsibility for the Situation in the Former Soviet Union Original text and References

Russia is the backbone of the so-called Eurasian community of the Slavic and steppe people. However, the current processes of ethnic migrations in Eurasia, the so-called ‘overflow from the South to the North’ creates a threat for the future of this community. The migrant workers from the countries located to the south of Central Asia arrive to Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan at the same time forcing out the indigenous population of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan further to the North, to Russia. Besides, there is a threat of penetration of the representatives of radical Islamic ideas into Eurasia as a part of migrant workers. This threat is already perceived in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and in a number of the Russian regions. The author offers a number of social, economic, political, and demographic measure. to stop this process which threatens with irreversible demographic and civilization shifts in Eurasia.

Sergey A. Sharakshane

The Russian Echo of the Global Crisis Original text and References

While there are numerous analytical data on the crisis, we will try not to repeat the well-known facts. What is the major point which is little-known and almost not comprehended is the falling of the Russian oligarchs: both the owners of capitals, and leading and directing force of the society which they used to be after the collapse of the Communist party.

Person: History and the Present

Sergey A. Buryanov

Freedom of Conscience as a Global Value. On the Way to the Political Unity and Solution of Global Problems Original text and References

The article is considers the phenomenon of freedom of conscience as a global universal value. The problems of influence of realization of freedom of the world outlook choice on transformations of political systems, valuable orientations and as a result on the opportunities of the search for the solution of global problems are raised. The author investigates theoretical and legal aspects and analyzes the main directions of improvement of regulatory and legal framework of realization of freedom of conscience in the context of globalization. Innovative approaches based on the transition to new paradigm of freedom of conscience are presented, the need of recognition and observance of the principle of the world outlook neutrality of the state at the national and international levels is proved.

Shagadyn Bira

Tengerism Original text and References

Tengerism is from the common Turkic-Mongolian word ‘tengeri’ (in Turkic – Tänri, in Mongolian – Tngri, modern Mongolian pronunciation – tangar). In Russian one can translate it as ‘sky’. Tengerism was developed on the basis of the sky venerating which was the fundamental conception of Shamanism, which is a traditional national religion of the ancient inhabitants of Mongolia. According to Shamanism, Tengeri as an abstract notion similar to God, represents the highest machismo controlling all natural and social phenomena in the Universe while the earth is a subordinated female principle (in Mongolian – etseg Tengeri [Father Tengeri] and eh gazar [Mother Earth]).

Global Person

Marietta T. Stepanyants

Mahatma Gandhi: ‘Apostle of Non-Violence’ Original text and References

Every nation calls in its own way the top of perfection, the ethical development for which people strive. However, it does not exclude essential common features of the scale of moral values of one culture with valuable systems of other cultures. The name Mahatma, which means ‘the great soul’ can be that not only for the compatriots. He has inevitably to be recognized in the world community scales. A convincing example of that is Mahatma Gandhi who is fairly recognized as the ‘bapu’, that is as a father of the Indian nation and at the same time as ‘the apostle of non-violence’ for all our contemporaries.

Vadim V. Kazyutinsky

Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky and Global Studies Original text and References

Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, the founder of cosmonautics, being one of the main directions of scientific and technical progress which defined many dominant features of our anthropogenic civilization thereby influenced everybody's life. But he considered his main achievement not the theory of the rocket, but cosmic philosophy which discovered the meaning of life, the humankind strife for ‘perfect and fine’ future. For Tsiolkovsky, the rocket necessary for resettlement of our civilization in space was only a means for realizing these goals. The whole cosmic philosophy in fact presents a certain grandiose project of global human future.

Reviews, Summaries, and Reports

Said Sh. Shermukhammedov

The Major Work on Global Studies Original text and References

This edition has enriched Global Studies as well as social, philosophical, legal, scientific, moral, and culture studies. This is a fundamental work on the urgent issues of contemporaneity.

Scientific Life

Vyachaslav V. Mantatov

Globalization, Sustainable Development and Society of the Future Original text and References

From July 30 to August 5, 2008, for the first time in Asia in Seoul (Republic of Korea) the 22nd World Philosophy Congress was held which was entitled “Reconsidering Current Philosophy”. About2,500 scholars from 100 countries of the world took part in it. The most number of papers were presented by the philosophers form the USA, Russia, the Republic of Korea, and China. It was a genuine global forum since the representatives came from the world-wide, and the West and the East as well as the North and the South have met here. The focus was on the issue of establishing the global philosophy and its increasing role in the epoch of globalization.

Alexander G. Pyrin

Who is Who and What is What in Global Studies Original text and References

The article inform that the Faculty of Global Studies of Lomonosov Moscow State University together with “Intellectual Systems” and Russian Philosophic Society have agreed to cooperate for the realization of the project “Who is Who and What is What in Global Studies”.