Dağtaş, Erdal

Фамилия:  Dağtaş
Имя:  Erdal

Erdal DAĞTAŞ having graduated from Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication in 1995, he received his M.A. at Anadolu University Department of Press and Publication in 1998, and his PhD at Ankara University Department of Journalism in 2005. He is mainly interested in critical theories in media, political communication, popular culture, journalism and news analysis. Dağtaş is currently teaching at Faculty of Communication, Anadolu University as an associated professor. In addition to his articles in various journals and compilations, he published many books as a writer and editor including Public Opinion and Communication (Kamuoyu ve İletişim, 1998, with N. Atabek), Magazine Press in Turkey (Türkiye’de Magazin Basını, 2006), Civil Disobedience, Social Movements and Press in Turkey (Türkiye'de Sivil İtaatsizlik, Toplumsal Hareketler ve Basın, 2008), Media, Consumer Culture and Lifestyles (Medya, Tüketim Kültürü ve Yaşam Tarzları, 2009, with B. Dağtaş), The Hegemony of Popular Culture (Popüler Kültürün Hâkimiyeti, 2011, with Ö. Özer), Media Economics and Management (Medya Ekonomisi ve İşletmeciliği 2012).

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